Sleep Easy 2024

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BRAVE souls from across Torbay are being challenged to endure freezing Winter temperatures to sleep under the stars to raise money for young homeless people.
Staff at the YMCA South Devon’s newly launched Nightstop service, which provides emergency, temporary accommodation for young people, are hoping that dozens of people will bed down for the night on outdoor tennis courts to raise funds.
Called the Sleep Easy, YMCA’s across the country are challenging their local residents to sleep anywhere but their own beds for one night only on Friday, March 22nd, but most of the efforts locally are being concentrated on a sleep out in Goodrington.
Since it launched in December 2021, Nightstop South Devon has provided a total of 292 safe nights and as a result 29 young people are now in supported living or are in a better position with housing. Otherwise they would have been either homeless or sofa surfing.
To register for the sleep easy or to download the press release and welcome pack then please click on the buttons below:
The disclaimer form can be downloaded here
For more information on the Sleep Easy then please visit the YMCA England page here