At Muddy Wellies, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage to help us observe, plan and document your child’s development. When starting with us, a keyperson will be assigned to your child, and they will be responsible for the planning for your child and documenting their achievements whilst with us. We use a whole room approach to the planning which changes every half term (or when needed).
We believe that all children deserve an education that is rich in wonder and memorable experiences that allow your child’s natural curiosity and creativity to blossom. Alongside this, they will gain new skills and knowledge that every child needs to thrive and develop into a well-rounded and happy individual, who is ready to succeed in the ever-changing world in which we live. The basis of our curriculum is that children will learn and develop to their full potential with a fully play-based curriculum.
Within every session, children at Muddy Wellies will have the opportunity to explore each of the seven areas of learning as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS) which can be found here: Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (
At Muddy Wellies, we meet the welfare requirements as laid down within the Statutory Framework for EYFS. We actively safeguard and promote the welfare of all the children that attend the Nursery. We firmly believe that children will learn most positively when:
- They are healthy, safe, secure.
- Their individual needs are met.
- They have positive relationships with adults who care.
Staff carry out meaningful observations that help to inform our everyday practice and curriculum. We will document your child’s progress with us in two ways: one is through Tapestry, an online learning journal where we will upload photographic and video observations to your account, and the other is a ‘WOW’ book, where your child’s WOW moments are recorded. For more information about Tapestry, please go to:
For more information about Tapestry please go to
Our high expectations, carefully planned outdoor and indoor learning environments, aspiring curriculum, quality teaching and interactions, and a highly valued partnership with parents and carers all lead to successful and happy children, who are eager to learn.